Idexo — Tech Overview by Cryp2Gem

Community report — by Uday Bag

6 min readMay 31, 2021

API for NFTs and NFT Marketplaces

Idexo is building a simplified token method to interact with multiple blockchains without the need for underlying blockchain’s complexity.

In the Ethereum world, to build a dApp, the developers must be familiar with the many tools and programming language — Solidity. The tools like Remix (for development environment), Ganache (for local testing), Truffle (for command-line dev tool), among many others, often come in useful. However, these tools demand hands-on experience to get started and build something on the Ethereum chain.

Ethereum dApp Architecture

Even though developing a dApp on Ethereum has become exceedingly simpler than earlier, the complexity of grasping the underlying architecture remains complicated and essential. Hence, for a developer, especially one starting new, building a dApp on Ethereum is often challenging due to several tools. And, that’s where Idexo’s decentralized blockchain agnostic solution comes into play through its SDK and API service.

How does Idexo play the part?

Idexo is building the SDK (software development kit), which provides the API for respective blockchain infrastructure to create tokens with a single line of code. For a developer, mint a new ERC-20/ERC-721 token needs knowledge and a working understanding of the underlying blockchain infrastructure framework. Not only that, the developer has to comprehend -

  • Programming language of the blockchain (Ethereum, Cardano, Polkadot, Polygon, etc.)
  • Development tool kits that are needed to deploy the code
  • Testing tool and strategy — Testnet deployment
  • Production deployment strategy — Mainnet deployment
  • The security aspect of the Smart Contract
  • And many more.

Moreover, a developer with a necessary programming understanding of Ethereum blockchain but not familiar with the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) or Polygon dApp architecture framework — is out of luck. The former has to teach himself (or herself) the new framework to build something on top of it. And imaging doing that for every chain!!

In the above-presented scenario, the SDK provided by Idexo is your most unique way to get going. All you have to do is learn how to import the appropriate command in your programming suite and call it through their API service. Yes, it is that simple.

Below are Idexo services available for everyone. Find more details here:

The SDK is fully functional in Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Arweave, and Polygon blockchain. Idexo team plans to integrate other chains as the project development progresses. The team recently enabled creating NFTs using a telegram bot for early Idexo supporters.

Advantages and Use Case:

  • One meta SDK covers all Blockchains.
  • One token covers all blockchains.
  • One meta token used for payment for API service
  • Idexo API handles the transaction infrastructure.


The Idexo team has a plan to integrate the API utility with many blockchains. The SDK and API already live with Ethereum, BSC, Arweave, and Polygon. The team also plans to provide the API service for 50 blockchains by the year-end as per their current roadmap. The idea is to create more utilities and get the API working with various blockchains for more adaption.

Platform Overview:

To utilize Idexo’s SDK, one has to request an API key. The key can be requested by login in here:
If not registered, the user must register before proceeding further.

The custom API key needs to be purchased for minting by clicking the “Buy” option on the left bottom panel. Once you are buying, the API key is ready to use.

Minting an NFT using Idexo API:

Minting an NFT using Idexo API consists of 4 steps. The below diagram depicts the flow.

To test the API functionality, I have created a project folder named: Idexo and structured the folder as presented below.

Image: The image folder contains the artwork of the NFT, which we will create using the API service.

DeployContract.js — This includes the code to make the contract (step #3 in the above diagram)

An API key is hidden for security reason

mintNFT.js — contains the code to make the NFT (step #4 in the above diagram)

Command-line execution steps:

  1. Deploy Contract

Once you have the coding ready, deploy the contract using below -

In the above example, the contract is created in BSC, which can be seen here:

2. Mint NFT using

The team is also working on minting NFT using a front-end UI with a simple user interface.


Even though Idexo provides an easy way to implement and interact with an underlying blockchain infrastructure project, they are not the first to implement a similar solution. Other competitors do identical implementations. The project listed below has a similar solution available.


The platform provides the blockchain agnostic SDK to connect multi chains using an API call. The developer doesn’t need to understand the complexity of the underlying blockchain architecture and can get started quickly with the Idexo SDK. The meta token is also used as a payment service in the platform as a utility.

You have made it to this end, and reading through this article implies that you believe in the blockchain (DLT) industry. You think this space will get more legitimized, and use cases will explode. You believe this space has a future. And, if you believe that, you know, not everyone can code. Not everyone can mint ERC 20 tokens by running a code in solidity. Not everyone can mint NFTs in the Cardano blockchain using Haskell. As prior needs blockchain programming knowledge.

And that’s where Idexo fits in.

Thank you for reading the article. Please leave a comment, and I would appreciate it if you max out your claps.

Cryp2Gem is a community-based research group. We are constantly researching and searching for future blockchain disruptive innovators.
Cryp2Gem Telegram Community group is open for everybody interested in learning and sharing knowledge about blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies and trading. This article is part of our research which, written by a member of our community and is intended for the community. All the feedbacks and critiques are highly appreciated.
The author of this research is looking to invest in the Idexo project in the future but tends to stay unbiased while researching and writing. This research is not intended as a promotion and is not part of any paid promotion. Cryp2Gem strongly believes in unbiased researching, sharing knowledge and transparency even when possibly invested, which will always be stated.
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Written by Cryp2Gem

Researchers & fundamental analysts (::) Building crypto thirsty Cryp2Gem community. Searching and researching for blockchain future disruptive innovators.

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