Battleverse — An Intergalactic Multichain P2E Metaverse

11 min readJan 6, 2022


Broaden your horizons of battling, farming, completing missions and quests at the intergalactic level.

Disclaimer — Since the emergence of the metaverse, we have seen an insurgence of blockchain games, some good, some ok and many that are terrible. The aim of our reviews is to quickly highlight individual blockchain game projects and score it out of ten. There are a set range of criteria we will use and by no means will the reviews be exhaustive. Our aim is not to fud any project, we are systematical is our approach and our opinion is our own. Enjoy!


Battleverse is a free P2E online game powered by DeFi x NFT and blockchain technology.

The world of Battleverse is huge! Everyone can find something to their liking in it. Someone will choose to participate in battles for rewards and develop their fighting characters in order to fight the best of the best in the Intergalactic Tournament sooner or later. Someone will choose the path of an adventurer or become a famous merchant throughout the galaxy, capable of selling a rusty gear to any robot. Many will become the owners of factories and plants, underground mycelium fields and mysterious groves, bringing good and stable income.

The Battleverse world consists of isolated regions and planets according to the type of conditional races, where six most diverse types of creatures with recognizable features from mythical and real worlds live, develop and compete.

The universe of the game is divided into the ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ worlds.

There are several inner worlds. They represent the home planets of characters of the same species, designed to conduct monarchial game activities in PvP and PvE through local inter-racial battles, quests and earnings on predicting the outcome of battles between the most famous characters. For civilians of the planets, it is possible to obtain game assets using various racial structures and territories.

Numerous opportunities to develop and realize the potential of your characters will allow you to advance in the game and take an active part in the economic model of Battleverse.

In the outer world controlled by the Quzers, Intergalactic tournaments are regularly held for the strongest fighters of all races.

There are serious admission criteria to participate in the Tournament. But, how serious is the selection of participants, so great is the Reward! Fighters participate in the Tournament to achieve super results and super earnings. The Intergalactic Tournament is the place of the main battle of players from all over the BattleVerse universe with the most delicious Winner’s Prize and getting the opportunity to breed their Champions with other races of the Battleverse.


All NFT game characters are equipped with different ability cards in the forms of traits, typical of character NFTs. They include: attack, defence and other visual traits which add to their uniqueness. Some of these characters have already been sold and are only available now on Opensea. Other characters will be sold some time in the future.

Current NFT characters include: BattleShrooms and Baby Combat Bots. However, there will be new unannounced upcoming characters.


The main goal of the game is to give the player the opportunity to earn through fun gameplay, even if you are not an experienced player in the world of Play-to-Earn (P2E) games.

The reward for players’ achievements in Battleverse are in-game ‘$QZQ’ tokens, which can be used to improve your characters, staking and generate additional income in various in-game structures or exchange on the in-game market and exchanges.

$QZQ is necessary for you to increase the Tier (game karma) of your characters, because only the most experienced and worthy fighters will be able to take part in the mysterious Intergalactic tournament, organized by the ancient Quzers race, for the opportunity to breed different characters to get new unique individuals. Only this race of all known has the necessary knowledge to obtain offspring from representatives of different races.

To participate in the famous Intergalactic Tournament, you must:

1) Create a team of 3 combat characters of different races, well-known in the battle arenas and with the maximum game karma (tayir).

2) Get a Ticket to the Intergalactic Tournament Quzers(ITQ ticket), which are held every month. These tickets can be obtained by participating in various gaming activities, or purchased in the in-game market for $QZQ.

Team and Experience

Alexander Simakov — Co-Founder/CVO

Alexy Kovalenko — Co-Founder/Principle Artist

Konstantin Kovalenko — Co-Founder/CG Generalist


Vlad Dryamov — Co-Founder/CEO

Serg Ivanov — Game Designer

Ivan Grigoriev — Unity Developer

No activity since 2014 on Github! Cannot find him on LinkedIn. A major red flag.

Pavel Levchuck — Blockchain Developer

An active Github with some questionable repositories!

Victor Soltan — Front-end Developer

Active Github. Many repositories for Battleverse.

Eigor Mironov — UX/UI Design

Tokenomics and Distribution

Dual token project. The BVC token will be used for:

Participation in lotteries for the right to purchase territories, buildings and other game objects, DAO management of the Metaverse, selection of NFT projects with new playable characters for collaboration, exchange operations of $BVC token for main crypto currencies, participation in DeFi projects / liquidity pools.

The $QZQ token is a gaming stablecoin: 1QZQ = 0.01$. $QZQ is not listed on external or third party exchanges. You can manage in-game $QZQ tokens directly in the game, as well as using a game wallet, exchanger or exchange. The token will be used for:

Purchase on the exchange or in the exchanger without leaving the game, make money on the Battle Funding system, receive for participation in the Bounty program or affiliate programs, win the game lottery, get in the course of character development, or as a reward for being active in the game, receive for participation in eSports events.

Seed Sale

Our seed sale is used to fund aggressive growth of the core contributors and allowed the protocol to bring on some of the best in the industry. They were offered 40,000,000 BVC at $0.03 USD each. As early-stage investors are taking the highest risk, they must be rewarded with the lowest price. All tokens would be sold in this round. Minimum entry amount 50k USD, maximum 15%.

TGE: 2%

Month 2: 1%

Month 3: 2%

Month 4 to Month 22: 5% monthly

Private Sale

80,000,000 BVC at $0.04 USD each.

TGE: 2%

Month 2: 1%

Month 3: 2%

Month 4 to Month 22: 5% monthly

Core contributors Sale

This sale is being used to further accelerate new hires, audits, listings and all other cumulative costs. All 70,000,000 $BVC would be distributed at a price of $0.05 USD.

TGE: 2%

Month 2: 1%

Month 3: 2%

Month 4 to Month 22: 5% monthly

Public sale

Intended to use for IDOs. All 20,000,000 $BVC would be distributed at a price of $0.05 USD. token allocation.

TGE: 10%

Month 2 to Month 7: 15% monthly

Token Distribution:

Seed Round: 4%

Private Round: 8%

Core Contributors: 7%

Public Round: 2%

Team: 18% (0% TGE, 6 months cliff from the start of trading on the first exchange, then 3,33% each month)

Liquidity: 5% (10% Release TGE, Week 2: 10%, Month 2 to Month 9: 10% monthly)

Ecosystem: 35% (10% Release TGE, Week 2: 10%, Month 2 to Month 9: 10% monthly)

Marketing: 7% (100% Release TGE)

Advisors: 2% (0% TGE, 6 months cliff from the start of trading on the first exchange, then 3,33% each month)

Reserve: 12% (100% Release TGE)


Conclusion and Score


The concept really is not that great. There is an intergalactic universe which features a range of different races and a variety of roles for players to do in game. So far we know of the battleshroom race and the baby combat bots. There will be more races unveiled throughout. It is worthwhile to note that these characters are in the form of NFTs, which have attack and defense traits as well as other traits which determine rareness. This is convenient for the developers because they are raising money from a private sale and via character NFTs. I have to ask the question, ‘why do they need to raise so much money for a simple game?’.

There are inner and outer worlds. A game player must become the best player in the inner worlds in order to get a chance to fight other players in the outer worlds intergalactic tournaments. Is this necessary and what is the motivation behind it? In popular games such as Axie Infinity there is no two world structure to PVP and win great loot, you select your team and you battle. I have a feeling that this is not going to be popular with most P2E players, but only time will tell. The motivation behind this is that tickets for the intergalactic tournament can be purchased with the $QZQ token, or by completing specific tasks in the inner worlds.

The whole premise of the game appears to be designed for the game player to spend as much money/cryptocurrency as possible to compete fairly. For some players this is not an issue but for other P2E players it is a big issue.

Rating: 4/10


The gameplay is limited to PVE/PVP battling and staking. You can find a brief gameplay video here:

Also in game you will be able to purchase areas and buildings to start manufacturing: lands, mine resources, produce components and build extra buildings.

By taking part in a tournament you are able to upgrade, breed and win prizes. However each character, depending on their rarity, is only allowed to battle a set number of times per day and you probably guess it, the rarer your character the more times they are able to fight per day!

The scope of the gameplay is extremely limited if we compare it to other blockchain games. If we take into account that each player will need to purchase a selection of game characters in order to play then it limits itself even more. The majority of P2E players are from 2nd/3rd world countries and it would be almost impossible for them to put together a team in order to make a living.

Overall, the game really feels to me like it is a rushed concept that has been put together in order to raise funds!

Rating: 3/10

Team and Experience

The team is a mixed bag really, we have a range of employees who have some decent experience, they have some employees that dont have any experience, and they have some employees that have done very little. The strongest employees in my opinion are the artists and the front end developer. The artists both have excellent work but one portfolio is a little limited. I would expect better from someone who posts work on LinkedIn. The front end developer has an active Github. There is a slight bit of experience in the team relating to games development/design but that is limited.

Rating: 4/10


The roadmap stretches from 2021 up until 2023 with extensions that have not been announced for 2024. From information I have obtained it looks like they have already missed milestones on their roadmap from Q4 2021. I know it is early 2022, but milestones need to be hit in order for investors/prospecting players to have faith in the project. If they don’t hit milestones then the next set of deliverables will be delayed and this will have a big impact on the project.

PVP battles are expected to launch Q1 2020, so we will soon know if this is going to be released on time or delayed. I delay will most likely lose all confidence in the community.

Given the team and their experience they will need to on-board new employees in order to fulfill the roadmap. As the roadmap goes into 2023 and beyond it is quite possible that the roadmap will be completed in a bear market and interest in the project will not be great.

Rating: 4/10

Tokenomics and Distribution

Battleverse is based on the double token game economy powered by Polygon Network — governance $BVC and stable (pegged to $0,01) in-game token $OZQ.

$BVC token will be mostly used for DAO based governance of the game and participation in torreries for the right to purchase in-game NFTs.

$QZQ will be used for all in-game actions, purchases, trading operations, lottery tickets purchases as well as rewards currency.

$QZQ will be in-game stable currency only (not listed on any exchange) and it can be exchanged for $BVC using a game wallet. The total supply of QZQ equals the amount of the effective FIAT liquidity available while all liquidity obtained from the sale of $QZQ is converted into $USDT and placed in third-party DeFi liquidity pools and yield compunded proportionally. It is not known which liquidity protocol and what trading token pair will be deposited into a liquidity pool. There is a chance of greater volatility between the tokens pairs trading and a possibility of impermanent loss of funds.

To minimize the possibility of inflation in the $QZQ asset, the system actively uses token burning algorithms.

The distribution of the revenues in a form of $QZQ:
*50% goes to the tournament prize pool,
*25% for operating expenses for maintaining and maintaining the ecosystem,
*25% are burned.

The stable in-game currency is used in a similar way as a point system in traditional games with the difference it can be exchanged to volatile $BVC which can be traded on secondary markets.

The $QZQ could be simply excluded form the economy and one of the established stable currencies used instead as QZT revenues will be converted into USDT.

There is a potential risk of impremanent loss of revenues with adding all liquidity available into liquidity pools. There is more information needed about this strategy.

The $BSV main price drive is based on players exchanging their $QZQ rewards into $BSV as usually voting power is not a factor that drives the price a lot if there are no significant incentives for the voters. This mechanism is not explained in the documentation but we can speculate there will be more information about the staking and rewards explained in the future.

Just a quick look in the Token Distribution. Battleverse had 21% of the total $BSV token supply allocated to the private investors. Those investors have different prices but same token release schedules. Those terms are unfair for investors in later rounds and the vesting schedule made in such way, that it actually encourages selling pressure at times of token unlock. Worth noticing is the 12% reserve allocation which seems to be fully unlocked at TGE (so this is not really a reserve but extra liquid funds available to team’s disposal from day 1 from the TGE). Another significant and not vested allocation is for marketing and has 7% tokens allocated. With just those 2 allocations we have 19% unlocked tokens at token generation event (TGE) which can be used by the team.
On the other hand the 5% Liquidity allocation is vested throughout 9 months.

It is not clear if the 35% Ecosystem allocation involves reward pool, treasury, battle funding etc.

I would give token metrics 1/10 — they have 21% allocated to investors — and they gave em (with exception of 2% public) same vesting and different round prices. Core contributors and public price is even the same.

They have 12% Reserve — which is unlocked 100%. And they have 5% for liquidity which is only 10% unlocked otherwise vested for 9m.

Rating: 1/10

Overall Score: 3 out of 10




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